Sunday, January 17, 2010

Musical Cultures

While no music culture can truly say that they've been the biggest influence over me, I've had several big influences throughout my life. Throughout my childhood I was steeped in Classical Rock by artists such as Queen, Kansas, Boston, and a million people named "Eric" (Clapton, Johnson, etc.). They formed the basis for my musical tastes that lasted throughout my entire life. Things like Queen's "Seven Seas of Rhye", Kansas' "Carry out my Wayward Son", and Boston's "Peace of Mind" were big all throughout my childhood (and later, throughout my adolescence).

Classical Rock has a different feel to most of the other forms of Rock. Unlike the others, it tends to be slower (though, that isn't shown much with the artists listed) and have much more emphasis on the cords being played, rather than getting out as many notes as possible. The end result is that the songs tend to have a smooth feel despite the "heavy" instruments being played. This comes out very clearly in Kansas' "Carry on my Wayward Son":

Because Classical Rock covers all of the older forms of rock artists (and not just a specific group), I've become far more adept to listening to other forms of music. While I can't say that I'll listen to anything (The Beatles' "Number 9" will forever be bad to me), I have grown up with a far more diverse listening spectrum than might normally be had.

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